Autumn dangers for pets
With the arrival of Autumn your pet will be welcoming a break from summer’s hot temperatures, however you need to be aware the new season brings with it hidden dangers.
It’s mushroom season
It’s mushroom season – steer clear! While most mushrooms have little or no toxicity, the highly toxic ones can cause life-threatening problems in pets. Since most toxic mushrooms are difficult to distinguish from nontoxic ones, the best way to prevent pets from ingesting the poisonous ones is to keep them away from areas where mushrooms are growing. Contact your vet immediately if you suspect your pet has eaten toxic mushrooms.
Easter treats
Chocolate is an edible delight that is around in large quantities at this time of year! This is toxic to your dog and can cause life-threatening heart and neurological effects. The main symptoms are caused by the compound theobromine however; it also contains caffeine which contributes to its toxicity. The high fat content could also lead to pancreatitis. Contact your vet immediately if you suspect your pet has ingested chocolate, treatment and intense, expensive monitoring are necessary to improve the chances of survival - So please keep chocolate out of paws-reach!
Rodent bait
The use of rat and mouse poisons increase in autumn as rodents seek shelter and attempt to move indoors. Rodenticides are highly toxic to pets and, if ingested, the results could be fatal. If you must use these products, please do so with extreme caution and put them in places inaccessible to your pets. Please keep in mind that although second-hand toxicity from eating poisoned vermin is rare it does occur. Contact your vet immediately if you suspect your pet has ingested rodent poison.
Autumn is a good time to change your car engine’s coolant prior to winter. These coolants are highly toxic, so any spills should be cleaned up thoroughly and immediately, and left over product stored out of paw’s reach. Unbeknown to pet owners their pet may stop to lick or drink this sweet tasting liquid from a leak or puddle of inadequately disposed of fluid. Contact your vet immediately if you suspect your pet has ingested engine coolant, even a small amount can be dangerous..
Holiday activities
With school and Easter holidays falling in Autumn, chances are there may be some inside craft/play activities. Make sure small activity items such as glue sticks, pencils and markers are kept out of paw’s reach! Although these items are considered low toxicity to pets, gastrointestinal upset and blockages can occur if ingested -please contact your vet is you suspect this has happened.